Thursday, March 18, 2010

The meaning of the quote above

Photo of Sir. Winston Churchill, who said the quote

The name of my blog, is from a quote by Sir. Winston Churchill. My usage of the quote isn't racist, nor is it to use to scorn America. When Winston Churchill said this quote against the most powerful nation in the world, he also warned people about something and a trend which people nearly always do: They tend to follow the elites, whatever happens. This is a big problem, because if this happens, those in power would control, and take over everything, while others are completely ignorant about this.

This concept is shown in both reality and fiction. In Fiction, George Orwell's Animal Farm shows what would happen if normal animals just follow pigs, the political elites. It results the pigs stripping animals of their rights, for the pigs' greed. The story of 1984 is the aftermath and an ironically a sequel of Animal Farm, where the political elites control all aspects of a person's life. Even his mind. These terrible situations are one of the possibilities one could face following the top mindlessly.

Even in reality, such cases exist. In the past, Adolf Hitler was able to control germans as a dictator, sacrificing millions of Germans for his ambition. In the present, the most powerful countries around the world,are allowed to do anything on other, weaker countries. Iraq was invaded by America, possibly for their own benefit, of getting more oil. Countries that are dependent to the more powerful countries are never able to escape poverty, such as Sudan, and several other countries in Africa. Therefore, even if we are to follow these countries, we should constantly caution ourselves with the rules (such as human rights) we set forth to prevent such terrible situations. With those rules, we should also consider why there are so many problems around the world, and how we can solve it.

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Photo of Winston Churchill:

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