Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The problems of Haitian children

Preval, the president of Haiti issued the Agenda for children, which was made to solve the problems of Children being neglected the most basic needs for survival, and rights.

Many Haitian children run among the streets, without any food, water, or shelter. They join local gang members, in hopes of getting food, shelter, protection, and reputation. Gangs take advantage of this by using them to do crimes, or fight rival gangs. Girls are used for prostitution, and rival gang members rape them to show reprisal.

Parents who don’t have enough money to feed the children sell their children to other wealthier men, in hope that their children will be sent somewhere better, and receive an education. The children are, instead worked like slaves. Countless number of children are trafficked to Dominic Republic.

Health is another big issue in Haiti. The hospitals are expensive, and their equipments are at the least seriously lacking. Child mortality of Haiti is 19% of its region, when the Haiti’s birth rate is 2%. Immunization is nearly nonexistent, and children have nutrition deficiency. Access to clean water and sanitation is rare.

For Preval, time is running out to complete his Agenda for Children.

That was the things as how it was in 2006 according to the BBC country reports, but, after the earthquake in 2009, situations which were presumably disastrous, escalated into a diabolical hell. Since 2006, Haiti was improving by baby steps. Since the earthquake, not only is Port Au Prince is in ruins, but Preval's agenda is also in ruins. Countless people have died in the ensuing chaos. several aid agencies and US armed forces have came and helped Haiti to rebuild it. A agency called Health partners have employed 4000 Haitians, giving them respectful amount of payment. They have created over 20 schools, and has made a hospital to help aids.

Unfortunately, aid distribution hasn't helped Haiti efficiently. A 15 years old boy was killed by dipthermia, which is a disease which can be easily preventable and cured. He died because of the lack of aids.

Another amusing event that is happening is that men and women who have went to the city to get jobs, are coming back to the countryside. Decades ago, before things went dirty, Haiti managed to harvest enough rice to feed everyone.

Haiti should learn from this earthquake, that the millions of people who died sacrificed themselves so that the survivors could prosper and learn to live independently.






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