Sunday, May 23, 2010

Top 10 most influential men and women

Johanna Sigurdardottir

After Iceland's economy collapsed in October 2008, Sigurdardottir rode a wave of discontent all the way to the premiership. A former flight attendant and the world's first openly gay head of state, she must rebuild the nation's economy while boosting confidence abroad. She is trying to pay debts on Netherlands and England for Iceland.

She is on my list of the top 10 most influential people, because she has restructured Iceland's government, and is the first gay prime minister. This could be an inspiration for gay people to stand up for who they are.

More about Sigurdardottir:

Kim Yu-Na

A Korean Figure skater, she has won many hearts of Koreans as she gained several medals for her nation. She managed waver Koreans away from the golf channel.

Kim Yu Na is on this list, as for many, she is an inspiration for her had work. She is an excellent figure skater, and she has also broken a world record this year. This sure is an excellent claim for being on this top 10 list.

More about Kim Yu Na:

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey is a 56 years old, extremely influential talk-show woman, who has hosted the Oprah Winfrey show for 24 years, has given so much inspiration for women world-wide. She used to be the only black billionaire.

Oprah Winfrey has faced all sorts of hardship in her life. She was born in a poor family, raped at the age of 9, and became pregnant at the age of 14. The baby died at infancy. She was once even considered about being given a seat in the senate.

More about Oprah Winfrey:

James Cameron

He is the director of several famous movies such as The Terminator 1-2, Alien, and Titanic. The most recent movie he created is the Avatar, which has turned the movie industry upside down. He has entertained the world with movies with excellent story lines, and fancy side effects.

More about James Cameron:

Hillary Clinton

Hilary Clinton is a key member of America’s top diplomat. She has overseen made outreach to Iran, Nuclear talks with Russia, and several is defending human rights. Nothing more needs to be said about this fantastic individual.

More about Hilary Clinton:

Barack Obama

President Obama’s first year of presidency was rather difficult, as he struggled with two wars, right a listing economy, and enacts ambitious agendas. After winning a battle over health care, he became the first president in 40 years to enact a historic piece of social welfare legislation. He now faces the fight over financial re-regulation

More about Barack Obama:

Seth MacFarlane

He is the creator of Family guy, and American dad. He is the cartoon king, and has a large influence in the media. He has entertained and made the day for millions of people. Since laughter is the world’s greatest medicine. Seth MacFarlane, he should be on the list.

More about Seth MacFarlane:

Jet Li

He is a Chinese actor, and he been helping China’s earthquake disaster relief and beyond. His program focuses on, not only supporting children who survived the disaster physically, but also helping them mentally. He believes that giving 1 dollar to everyone who are unfortunate would make a big difference. Both his actions and thoughts are more than enough to be on this list.

More on Jet Li:,_Jet/

Lindsey Vonn

Vonn became the first American Woman to win a gold medal in the downhill ski race, despite major shin injuries. She clinched her third straight world cup title. She is the second woman to accomplish this. Working with injuries in Olympics is nearly impossible, where every little things count. Lindsey Vonn has shown athletes around the globe to never give up.

More on Lindsey Vonn:

Han Han

A Chinese race-car driver, high school drop-out, and author, he made debates about the problems of Chinese education, and the strictness and rigidness of Chinese education. He is the most famous blogger in China, and in it, he pokes fun at incompetent politicians.

More on Han Han:


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The problems of Haitian children

Preval, the president of Haiti issued the Agenda for children, which was made to solve the problems of Children being neglected the most basic needs for survival, and rights.

Many Haitian children run among the streets, without any food, water, or shelter. They join local gang members, in hopes of getting food, shelter, protection, and reputation. Gangs take advantage of this by using them to do crimes, or fight rival gangs. Girls are used for prostitution, and rival gang members rape them to show reprisal.

Parents who don’t have enough money to feed the children sell their children to other wealthier men, in hope that their children will be sent somewhere better, and receive an education. The children are, instead worked like slaves. Countless number of children are trafficked to Dominic Republic.

Health is another big issue in Haiti. The hospitals are expensive, and their equipments are at the least seriously lacking. Child mortality of Haiti is 19% of its region, when the Haiti’s birth rate is 2%. Immunization is nearly nonexistent, and children have nutrition deficiency. Access to clean water and sanitation is rare.

For Preval, time is running out to complete his Agenda for Children.

That was the things as how it was in 2006 according to the BBC country reports, but, after the earthquake in 2009, situations which were presumably disastrous, escalated into a diabolical hell. Since 2006, Haiti was improving by baby steps. Since the earthquake, not only is Port Au Prince is in ruins, but Preval's agenda is also in ruins. Countless people have died in the ensuing chaos. several aid agencies and US armed forces have came and helped Haiti to rebuild it. A agency called Health partners have employed 4000 Haitians, giving them respectful amount of payment. They have created over 20 schools, and has made a hospital to help aids.

Unfortunately, aid distribution hasn't helped Haiti efficiently. A 15 years old boy was killed by dipthermia, which is a disease which can be easily preventable and cured. He died because of the lack of aids.

Another amusing event that is happening is that men and women who have went to the city to get jobs, are coming back to the countryside. Decades ago, before things went dirty, Haiti managed to harvest enough rice to feed everyone.

Haiti should learn from this earthquake, that the millions of people who died sacrificed themselves so that the survivors could prosper and learn to live independently.


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sauri and the new aid project

For the last 5 years, Sauri, western Kenya has become increasingly prosperous. Sachs, the leader of the program has giving straightforward programs to lift people out of poverty, such as increasing the quality of crops, and battling malaria.

The results are glorious, but the problem is the efficiency of the project on the global scale due to the political corruption in Africa.

Sachs states that another problem is America state of being anti-aid, after 9/11. When Sachs went to Yemen, a haven for Al Qaeda, he talked to the American officials about the problems there. All he got were blank answers.


Friday, March 26, 2010

A poverty striken boy begs for money

Poverty is all around us, even in the 21st century. The hardest hit is Africa, and data shows that:
13,500 people around the world get infected with HIV/AIDS everyday
22,000 people around the world die from extreme poverty everyday
850 million people around the world go to bed hungry everyday
1 billion people around the world live on less than $1 a day
Poverty basically means that not being able to sustain oneself to get basic needs as medication, education, shelter and food. This should not be happening, especially when the world has the ability to change it. It is just not fair for us to live such a happy life and the poor people to suffer like that.

However, it is not hopeless. There are organizations such as the World bank that lends loans to poor countries without any interest, when the country has something reasonable to say about why they need money. It is still not enough. We cannot ask the government to do everything. We have to take actions by ourselves first, and fast, before it is too late.

Sources for picture

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The meaning of the quote above

Photo of Sir. Winston Churchill, who said the quote

The name of my blog, is from a quote by Sir. Winston Churchill. My usage of the quote isn't racist, nor is it to use to scorn America. When Winston Churchill said this quote against the most powerful nation in the world, he also warned people about something and a trend which people nearly always do: They tend to follow the elites, whatever happens. This is a big problem, because if this happens, those in power would control, and take over everything, while others are completely ignorant about this.

This concept is shown in both reality and fiction. In Fiction, George Orwell's Animal Farm shows what would happen if normal animals just follow pigs, the political elites. It results the pigs stripping animals of their rights, for the pigs' greed. The story of 1984 is the aftermath and an ironically a sequel of Animal Farm, where the political elites control all aspects of a person's life. Even his mind. These terrible situations are one of the possibilities one could face following the top mindlessly.

Even in reality, such cases exist. In the past, Adolf Hitler was able to control germans as a dictator, sacrificing millions of Germans for his ambition. In the present, the most powerful countries around the world,are allowed to do anything on other, weaker countries. Iraq was invaded by America, possibly for their own benefit, of getting more oil. Countries that are dependent to the more powerful countries are never able to escape poverty, such as Sudan, and several other countries in Africa. Therefore, even if we are to follow these countries, we should constantly caution ourselves with the rules (such as human rights) we set forth to prevent such terrible situations. With those rules, we should also consider why there are so many problems around the world, and how we can solve it.

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Photo of Winston Churchill: